Kerala Ayurvedic Treatment for Dislocation

Topic : Dislocation treatment in Ayurveda

This is the condition of misalignment of bone at a joint, due to a sudden impact, in most of the conditions ligament get damaged. Partial dislocations are called subluxations. If the dislocation is severe it can tears muscles, ligaments and tendons that support the joints. Major causes for dislocation include trauma and defective or diseased ligament, in some conditions chronic arthritis can cause recurrent dislocations. Severity depends upon the location of the joint.

Major symptoms include

  • Pain

  • Bruising

  • Instability of the joint

  • Loss of ability to move the joint

  • Visibly deformed joint (bone looks out of place)

  • Swelling

  • Immobility of the joint

  • Pain on the joint


In Ayurveda there are special procedures and external treatment modalities which can reduce the swelling and special bandaging techniques increases the mobility of the joint without damaging the encompassing deep tissues.

Ayurveda specializes in joint strengthening treatments. In Ayurveda there are different heat modalities alongside special rice treatments which can nourish the joints and special bandages with oil make the joint more stable. This is advised mainly for knee dislocations and shoulder dislocations. In Parathuvayalil we've many patients who had this joint dislocation during a repeated manner that they had treatment and every one are having positive feedbacks with no dislocations.

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